The Discovery of Independence

I was raised to be incredibly independent, to a point. My family was not a tight knit family so I spent an inordinate amount of time alone. There were certain things I relied on my mother for, naturally, but in terms of being on my own, I had that down. Until I met my husband. […]


Simple yet exquisite Nothing anyone knows You are hidden My secret I keep you for me You You make me human Exposed You make me sentient Weighted I have found me All in you Dormant, still You hid within me Under a different name You’re reasonable, honest You’re passionate, overlooked I never knew I didn’t […]

A Letter to My Heart

I love you. I love you in a way no other ever could. Why? Because I understand you in a way no one ever will. More than anything, however, I am sorry. I am sorry for every single aching situation I have forced you through. I’m sorry for dreaming beyond reality and insisting your belief […]